Below are the Blockchain Courses offered by நம்Chain Open Initiative Research Lab.
- Blockchain Basics - Genesis Block
- Prerequisite
- Interest in learning Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
- Basic Knowledge in Databases, Security, Internet
- Syllabus
- Centralized System Architecture
- How Centralized system works?
- Challenges faced
- Traditional Currency and Financial System
- Introduction to Cryptocurrency & Cryptotokens
- Introduction to Blockchain Concepts
- Difference between DLT and Blockchain
- Concepts Revision [ PKI, Cryptographic Hash]
- Blockchain Technology
- Generations of Blockchain
- Types of Blockchain
- Characteristics of Blockchain
- How Blockchain works?
- Block Contents
- Merkle Tree
- Application areas of Blockchain
- Terminologies in Blockchain
- Fees - ₹ 2500
- Duration - 10 Hours
- Completion
- Certificate of Completion through Blockchain
- Course Materials
- Blockchain Intermediate
- Prerequisite
- நம்Chain's Blockchain Basics Course or its equivalent
- Block 1 - Bitcoin Blockchain
- Syllabus
- Cryptocurrency and its properties
- Crypto wallets
- Tokenomics or Cryptonomics
- Bitcoin Core - Full Node Wallet
- Electrum - Simple Wallet
- Bitcoin Mainnet and Testnet
- Bitcoin Faucet
- Bitcoin Transaction LifeCycle
- Proof of Work (PoW) Consensus
- UTXO Model
- Bitcoin Explorer
- Bitcoin Scripts
- Challenges in Blockchain
- Lighting Networks
- Applications of Bitcoin
- Altcoins
- Fees - ₹ 7500
- Duration - 12 Hours
- Completion
- Certificate of Completion through Blockchain
- Course Materials
- Block 2- Ethereum Blockchain
- Syllabus
- Smart Contracts
- Ethereum Blockchain and Ether
- Ethereum Wallet
- Proof of Stake (PoS)
- Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- Ethereum Transaction LifeCycle
- Solidity Programming
- Remix IDE
- Metamask and Faucet
- Ethereum Mainnet and Testnets
- Ganache and Truffle Framework
- Web3.js
- DApp Development
- DeFi
- Applications of Ethereum Blockchain
- Ethereum Standards
- Oracles
- Fees - ₹ 10000
- Duration - 18 Hours
- Completion
- Certificate of Completion through Blockchain
- Course Materials
- Sample Smart Contract Codes
- Blockchain Advanced
- Prerequisite
- நம்Chain's Blockchain Intermediate Course or its equivalent
- Syllabus
- Smart Contract Testing
- Consensus Algorithm
- Paxos
- more
- Blockchain Forensics
- Second Layer Solutions
- Lighting Network
- Matic Network
- Distributed Platforms
- InterPlanetary File System (IFPS)
- Blockchain Standards
- Other DLT Technologies
- Tangle
- Hashgraph